If your horse is tentative into the contact (inconsistent), the NS Tranz Eggbutt offers the stability within the mouth needed to boost the horse’s confidence encouraging it to seek the bit, taking the rein forwards. Very beneficial for short tense necks and excellent for directional control. Unlike traditional Eggbutt designs, combining this NS cheek and NS Tranz mouthpiece, feel and response is not lost and the horse is far less likely to lean and fix against the hand.
Product FAQs
This is a very popular and versatile mouthpiece that suits many breeds and disciplines, it is often recomended for;
A gentle mouth piece
Horses that are already going well in a lozenged bit that would like the added comfort of Salox
Helps to devlop a sustainable contact
Why a fixed cheek?
Encourages the horse to take the reins forward
Enhances directional control and straighness
Good for these horses prone to rubs
The sability it provides often promotesa consistent contact.