Give your horse a quick brush over so that it isn’t covered in mud. No need to tack up for the first couple of photos, but do get the saddle you are currently riding in out of the tack room and note down the saddle details i.e. seat size and width.
Stand the horse on even ground, weight on four legs and square, head facing forwards. Ideally take the photograph outside on the yard, so we have a good light and the horse isn’t standing on bedding.
Photo 1: Take the first photo from the side, so that we can see the entire horse and get a clear image of the horses back. See the example below:
Photo 2: If safe to do so, stand on a bucket behind your horse and take a photograph of the wither/shoulder area. This will help us judge how wide the horse is. See the example below:
Photo 3: Place current saddle on the horse’s back, do not girth up or put a saddle cloth under the saddle. Ask a friend to stand on the other side of the horse and hold the saddle, so that it doesn’t fall on the floor if the horse moves! Please let us know the details of the current saddle including width if you know it and the seat size.
Photo 4: Please provide one photo of the rider and one photo of the rider sitting on the horse in its current saddle. This will help us suggest saddle options or alterations that will work for both the horse and rider.
Please email all the photos to
If you have any questions please call the office at 0208 308 0500