Shop price: £3.95
Online price: £3.16 3.16

Lincoln Himalayan Crystal salt lick provides 100% pure natural rock salts - complete with rope.

Salt from the Himalayan mountains is nourished by the nutrient-rich water and soil in the area, and contains upwards of 84 minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. Calcium promotes muscle strength and nourishes the bones, leading to stronger and healthier bones, joints, teeth, and hooves. Magnesium  is particularly wonderful for your active horse, providing relief for tired and aching muscles. Potassium is essential for a strong heart, while Iron keeps your horse's blood healthy.

(wrapped and labelled as per EU directive)

20% OFF
Shop price: £7.58
Online price: £6.06 6.06

Rockies Baby Red Salt Lick 

More intensive grazing, reseeding with new leys and heavier fertilising have led to more trace element deficiencies especially of copper which is needed for growth, bone development, fertility and especially in young cattle, coat condition. Baby Red Rockies contain high levels of copper and also help to maintain growth and fertility rates in brood mares and young horses.

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